Saturday, May 16, 2009

Exhibition opening David Callow 3.00pm Sunday 17 May 2009

Join us on Sunday at 3.00pm for the opening of David Callow's exhibition 40 000 + 40

To be opened by Rupert Myer AM Chairman, National Gallery of Australia

The exhibition title refers to the 1967 referendum, held to change the Australian Constitution. The referendum ensured that the Federal Government could now include and make law for all Australians, black and white without discrimination, and that all Australians would be counted as one and recognised officially in any future census.

Rupert Myer AM, Chairman, National Gallery of Australia, has travelled with David to remote communities and says," I immediately recognised in David's photographs his ability to portray an extraordinary range of personalities. David's portraiture shows a deep respect for, understanding of and connection with the individuals and communities of the Northern Territory and as with all good photography his work draws out the vitality, humour and individuality of his subjects".

David’s photograph of Cathy Freeman’s triumphant moment at the 1994 Commonwealth Games has become an iconic image for our times.

In 2001 David received the World press photo gold medal for his work on the Sydney Olympics.

David will be giving an artist's talk on Thursday 18 June at 3.00pm

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Exhibition openings this Saturday 9 May at 3.00pm

Installing Beyond visibility: light & dust 2009 © Monash Gallery of Art photo: Stephanie Richter

Join us this Saturday
9 May at 3.00pm for the joint openings of two exhibitions that present pictures of space.

Beyond visibility: light and dust an exhibition celebrating the International Year of Astronomy in 2009
that draws on the history of human efforts to make pictures the cosmos and includes work by Felicity Spear, David Malin and Gulumbu Yunupingu. To be opened by Dr Tanya Hill, Curator (Astronomy), Melbourne Planetarium.

Vertigo is
an exhibition that explores the camera's capacity to unsettle our everyday perception of the world. It draws on the work of a number of Australian photographers from MGA's Collection and will opened by Dr Shaune Lakin, Director, MGA.

Both exhibitions will run from 8 May - 28 June 2009

We hope to see you there!

Monday, May 4, 2009

2009 Bowness Photography Prize

The William and Winifred Bowness Photography Prize is now open for entries.
The $20 000 non-acquisitive prize makes it one of Australia's most prestigous awards.

The judging panel comprises:
Helen Ennis is currently Senior Lecturer in Art Theory and Associate Head, Undergraduate, at the Australian National University School of Art.
Anne Ferran is one of Australia's leading contemporary photographers
Shaune Lakin, Director of MGA.

Go to the link and download an entry form


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